Saturday, July 20, 2013

Brad Pitt Have an Disease Memorize Faces Difficult People

Brad Pitt admits that his secret he kept during the meetings. Angelina Jolie's fiance was suffering from prosopagnosia. Prosopagnosia is the inability to recognize faces of others.

Because of the disease, Brad became hated in Hollywood. Some people consider it arrogant and do not appreciate others. "A lot of people hate me because they think I do not appreciate them," said Brad.

In the early days of his career he was trying to resolve the issue by asking where they met. However, it only made the situation worse. "People are so much offended," he said.

"Even now when someone explained it and I said, 'Thank you for helping me', they have even more angry," he added. "They thought I was selfish and arrogant. I was really hard to memorize the faces of people and I can only remember it from the aesthetic point of view.

Written By : Unknown // 6:37 PM


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